Korean Passives & Causatives / 한국어의 피동과 사동
Korean Grammatical Terms / 한국어 문법 용어 Term Korean Term Meaning Noun 명사 A word that names an object, person or place Action verb (=verb) 동사 A word that tell you what someone or something does Descriptive verb (=adjective) 형용사 A wo
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Worksheet | Passive Verb Practice (4) | 피동 접미사 '-기-'
Korean Passives & Causatives / 한국어의 피동과 사동 Korean Passives and Causatives Passives In a passive-voice sentence, make the object of the sentence the subject and don't worry too much about who did the action. For instance, let's take the se
Worksheet | Passive Verb Practice (3) | 피동 접미사 '-리-'
Korean Passives & Causatives / 한국어의 피동과 사동 Korean Passives and Causatives Passives In a passive-voice sentence, make the object of the sentence the subject and don't worry too much about who did the action. For instance, let's take the se
Worksheet | Passive Verb Practice (2)
Korean Passives & Causatives / 한국어의 피동과 사동 Korean Passives and Causatives Passives In a passive-voice sentence, make the object of the sentence the subject and don't worry too much about who did the action. For instance, let's take the se
Worksheet | Passive Verb Practice (3) | 피동 접미사 '-리-' (0) | 2023.03.03 |
Worksheet | Passive Verb Practice (2) | 피동 접미사 '-히-' (0) | 2023.02.20 |
Place marker '-에' with 있어요, 없어요, 많아요 (0) | 2022.11.01 |
[TOPIK Writing] TOPIK 원고지와 원고지 사용법 (0) | 2022.10.11 |
Worksheet | Body Parts (0) | 2022.10.11 |
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